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What Residential Services Does CEG Offer?

What Residential Services Does CEG Offer?

CEG understands how frustrating it can be to have your home computer or mobile phone stop working right when you need it most. With more people than ever working from home, it’s critical to have computer support and phone repair services at your disposal that get you...

Does Multi-Factor Authentication Really Help?

Does Multi-Factor Authentication Really Help?

In an era where online scams or hacks have become more clever and devastating to businesses and individuals, the need for thorough security protocols has become ever more apparent. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is one method commonly endorsed by IT companies to...

What is the difference between Powerpoint and Slides?

What is the difference between Powerpoint and Slides?

For over three decades, PowerPoint has been the go-to presentation software for businesses, teaching faculty, students, IT companies, and anyone else presenting to an audience with hopes of making a lasting impression. However, another competitor, Google Slides, has...

Do you need a Managed Service Provider (MSP)? 

Do you need a Managed Service Provider (MSP)? 

The breakneck speed at which the business world is progressing has forced many companies to think outside their offices to manage their networks and business systems. This has led to a surge in IT outsourcing with entities known as Managed Service Providers (MSP). A...

Did you know that Computer Engineering Group Moved?

Did you know that Computer Engineering Group Moved?

CEG is pleased to announce we have moved our operations to a more convenient location and one that better suits our business. You can now find our computer support office at the following address: 305 Soscol Ave, Napa, CA, 94559. Our hours of operation will remain...

Does Your Team Need Google Workspace or Microsoft 365?

Does Your Team Need Google Workspace or Microsoft 365?

Deciding on which word processor is best suited for your team can come down to a variety of factors. Cloud services and IT companies typically need an option that can store plenty of data, respond quickly, and offer flexible payment options. Microsoft 365 and Google...

What Vulnerabilities Exist With WI-FI and Getting Attacked

What Vulnerabilities Exist With WI-FI and Getting Attacked

While Wi-Fi security has come a long way in recent years, vulnerabilities still exist in the process of data transfer, exposing us to potential hacks and malware. New threats are continuously being discovered and have existed for well over two decades. As a result, IT...

A Look Into the History of Data Backup

A Look Into the History of Data Backup

Data collection has become the key focus of IT services and online businesses in virtually every industry. It helps to determine the needs and wants of their potential customers, which attributes to the overall success of the business itself. But another important...

How To Avoid Password Security Risks

How To Avoid Password Security Risks

Passwords protection is fundamental for keeping data safe from hackers and scammers and all IT companies would tell you the same thing. Unfortunately, however, we tend to use simple passwords or weak protection measures to avoid spending just a little more time on...

Does Your External Hard Drive Have an Expiration Date?

Does Your External Hard Drive Have an Expiration Date?

Since you’re probably reading this on a laptop or computer, we will also assume you have an external hard drive and perhaps some questions about it. In this article, we’ll cover some basic info and questions most people have about this important piece of equipment and...

Tips to Managing Emails

Tips to Managing Emails

Over the past few decades, email has become a primary communication method for businesses and among groups of individuals. Electronic messaging has replaced those paper interoffice memos and most communications that had previously come by post. Cloud Services are...

Ways to Secure Your Web Browser

Ways to Secure Your Web Browser

Your web browser is your window to the world. But like most windows, an unobstructed view can also be available for those who are striving to peak into your unprotected browser. Cyberattacks are an epic, ongoing problem caused by experts and amateurs engaged in...

Disaster Recovery and Backup Options to consider to Avoid Data Loss

Disaster Recovery and Backup Options to consider to Avoid Data Loss

For any enterprise, large or small, data loss due to natural disaster or other unexpected events can be traumatic. Without access to even the most recent transactional data, inventory, employee records, payroll, or accounting data, a company becomes virtually helpless...

Microsoft Teams is Growing to the New Workplace Hubs

Microsoft Teams is Growing to the New Workplace Hubs

Today, more than ever, enterprises of every type encounter the challenge of real-time communication and collaboration among team members working in multiple locations. Whether they are office-based, working from home, traveling, communicating from across boundaries,...

Moving to Cloud Services while working more from home

Moving to Cloud Services while working more from home

Although many work from home or remotely already, the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has changed the workplace landscape dramatically. Currently, a high number of employees are encouraged to work from home to maintain personal distancing and to remain protected from the...